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From Cashiers to CEOs

April 20, 2017


 CSE Law likes to look out for the little guy/gal and we do a lot of that in our employment practice, but it is also important to look out for the higher earners too.  CSE Law assists highly compensated executives (HCEs) in their contract negotiations with prospective employers.  These individuals are CEOs, CFOs, high level managers, and EDs in the non-profit world.  They have accepted a job offer subject to negotiation of salary, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment.  They are presented with a proposed employment contract from their soon-to-be employer (drafted by the employer's counsel) and they need a thorough and independent review to ensure that their interests are protected.

We enjoy working with these clients because they are sophisticated and the work is preventative.  It protects them on the way into a job.  We can also assist these folks with contract re-negotiations or separation agreements, if the fit ends up being something less than perfect.

It is not just the little guys that deserve legal protection.  CSE Law encourages CEOs, CFOs, EDs and other HCEs to seek independent counsel to assist in employment contract negotiations so that they have the certainty of being protected on the way into their new position.   

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